By now everyone should have received a welcome message from the new list server, wlug@lists.wlug.org, along with instructions for setting your password. I'm still working on getting the archives moved over. Please use only the new list address wlug@lists.wlug.org to post--if you use an old address you'll get a reminder to use the new one, at least until a few weeks from now when the old server will have to go offline. I'd also like to thank our generous host http://mailman3.com for providing our new mailing list and Hyperkitty web forum free of charge. Thanks, Chuck On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 04:57:01PM -0400, Chuck Anderson wrote:
After 18+ years of the WLUG mailing list being graciously hosted on the WPI campus network at no cost to WLUG, we must move to an external mailing list host as WPI prepares to shut down its Linux email infrastructure after moving to Microsoft Office 365 in the cloud. Phase 1 begins Monday, July 23, 2018, but the shutdown for third-party domains like wlug.org is planned for mid- to late-August.
Luckily, we have a new sponsor who has generously offered to host our mailing list at no cost on Mailman 3 with Hyperkitty! We are currently setting up the new mailing list and working out the details, but I wanted to send out a "heads up" message to everyone before anything changes.
The plan is to set up the new host in parallel with the existing host, but this necessitates a change in the mailing list address. I also plan to copy the existing subscriber list (and archives if possible) over to the new list, but if that isn't possible I'll let everyone know.
More details will be coming soon. I'll also update the WLUG website http://www.wlug.org/ with the new mailing list details when we are ready, so watch that space in case we lose the ability to send to the old list! Worst case, we have the subscriber list backed up and could send an email to everyone individually if it becomes necessary.
Thanks, Chuck