By way of FYI... In all of my digging, I have found a fair bit of information regarding phpnuke, most of it bad. Forgetting about robustness of code and security issues, it would seem that many of the folks involved with phpnuke left in protest to form postnuke. The few email conversations I have had indicate three issues with phpnuke: 1. The person responsible began representing the contributing developers code as his own. This caused susch a stir that the contributing developers went to the mandrake CEO to force the issue of giving credit to the developers. (Apparently mandrake has a hand in this in some way that isn't clear to me.) As a result, the word on the street is that development on phpnuke has dwindled... 2. Really bad security holes. Examples include chmod everything to 777 in the n-1 version, to security scripts being easily hacked (and owned by user nobody), to certain pages being endowed with super-user priveledges - all you had to do was enter the URL and you were in. Some claim phpnuke is fixed, others claim there are still major problems... My recent experiences with phpnuke where I work suggest the criticism is valid. 3. The last issue is a bit fuzzy. There are those who were reportedly involved with the development of phpnuke who claim that the "author" has "interesting ideas" about GPL and, according to them, believe that phpnuke in the future may no loger remain GPL. So, looks like postnuke has picked up where phpnuke left off? The dig continues... ;-) Steve