Quick question... What format is your novel currently in?
One big text file. One blank line separates scenes. Two blank lines denote the beginning of a new chapter. However the telepathic communications from the potted plant are designated with '/'. My plan is use italic for them.
What ever happened to Ascii? Ascii is the AMERICAN Standard Code for Information Interchange. Internationalization came. As someone who wrote the multilingual support at work, ASCII is not good enough anymore. UTF8 or it relatives (UTF16, etc.) are the only acceptable standards.
I keep calling for them to abolish the languages with weird character sets but they don't listen to me. :) Yes the text file is Ascii at the moment since it is UTF8 and doesn't have any multibyte characters. As mentioned earlier the telepathic communications need to switched to italic. Could HTML be used for my needs? Certainly. The problem is what would the user experience be. Could someone put it on their tablet/ereader and easily resume where they left off, take notes, etc. That is why I want to convert it to an ebook format. If I'm going to put it on amazon, drivethrufiction or some other site it needs to converted at some point. I like calibre and keep a large collection of rpg books in it. I'm not convinced that handing it a libreoffice file (or other format) to convert is the best solution. I downloaded writer2epub extension to libreoffice. I've also looked at sigil user guide but haven't installed it yet.