Hi. I bought a Ximeta Netdisk (http://ximeta.com/products/netdisk.html) which is an external HDD with both USB and network connectivity. The company explicitly states that the device works with Red Hat 8 and 9, but I've had no luck with it. The drivers are available only as RPMs, no source provided. It's network attached, but it doesn't use a standard protocol. The RPM is supposed to install two modules, nd.o and lpx.o, but they don't show up with lsmod. When I try to load them with insmod or modprobe, I get a bunch of error messages about "unresolved symbols". I though it may have been a dependency problem, so I recompiled to load network block device (nbd.o), but that had no effect. I've tried both RH 8 and 9 fresh stock installs with the same results. Ximeta has stated that they will provide me a new driver, but I'm not holding my breath. Any suggestions? Thanks.