On Tuesday 19 June 2007, Bill Mills-Curran wrote:
On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 08:42:22PM -0400, Andy Stewart wrote: <snip>
3) I opened the topic for discussion because I want to be sure that folks who are normally less vocal on the group mailing list have a chance to air their opinions.
4) The end result of these discussions should be posted on the website as a group policy so guests to our mailing list will understand what we expect of them.
http://mail.wlug.org/mailman/listinfo/wlug A thought, the internet is a self righting economy. I am not saying blast people with spambots, but I think it is perfectly fair for everyone not interested in the jobs posted politely respond with a poilte "Not interested" email. A person who subscribes to this list for the sole purpose of send a job req, thinks that it is not rude, well it must not be rude to reply.
A policy that keeps the people who want to go good and right on the right side of the list is a good thing. Personally, I don't mind job posting here, as long as they don't flood the list. Just as people on the phone in line at the grocery store don't think it is rude to be yelling in my ear, should not think it rude when I talk to the person behind them in the line. I don't think a 'No thanks' reply from everyone who was interrupted on this list is rude. Just my grumpy overtired 2 cents Thanks Brian