At 06:33 PM 9/30/2001 -0400, Our Founder wrote:
Hi everybody,
I am, however, lacking in RSVPs from prospective installees. If you wish to have Linux installed on your machine, please send me an e-mail so that I can handle the logistics.
Hi Andy! I am putting together a Linux server for serving up two web sites, email, etc., for my own personal use (tired of paying XO) and hope to build this at the install fest. I also hope to install RedHat onto a Dell Latitude CPx Laptop. The Server already has RedHat 6.2 on it, so I suspect the latest RedHat distro will not be a problem. The Laptop is anyone's guess... But - I realize that there may not be enough room/time for my stuff... Regards, Steve -- Stephen C. Daukas stephen@daukas.com (508) 845-9809 - Home (508) 845-5015 - Fax (508) 612-2149 - Mobile