Quoting Frank Sweetser <fs@WPI.EDU>:
256M isn't a lot of memory these days, but I'm running a handful of virtual machines with only 256M and they work well enough. You might try to check out what's running on your system, and prune out extra daemons and the like that you don't need. Use the chkconfig and ntsysv commands to manage what services are started up.
Already disabled SELinux. Just disabled yum-updatesd. Yum seems to be a much bigger memory hog than before. Firefox + yum update is generally sufficient to bog the system. I'll try disabling some more services. Just shocks me that even though I use the system the same way, the performance is that much worse. Maybe the memory improvements with firefox 3 will help low memory systems when it comes out. Dennis Payne dulsi@identicalsoftware.com