That was the point I was trying to make... On 4/22/05, Jeff Moyer <jmoyer@redhat.com> wrote:
==> Regarding RE: [Wlug] FW: MN-130?; "Jerome Walczak" <vze4jtbs@verizon.net> adds:
vze4jtbs> The kernel I have installed is 2.4 --- I'm currently vze4jtbs> downloading version 3 off the site & expect everything to be vze4jtbs> ready to burn in about, oh 3 hours or so. We'll see if it vze4jtbs> works. Or ... Is there any way to install a new kernel in Fedora vze4jtbs> 1? Forgive me if I'm not saying that right but that's what I vze4jtbs> think is possible?
You would need to update/install other packages to get a 2.6 kernel to boot on a 2.4 based distribution. Arjan used to keep around all of the necessary packages on his people page, but he's since removed that. I don't believe it to be worth the headache.