On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 08:11:20AM -0500, Andy Stewart wrote:
I remember a talk that Doug Waud gave about computer networking. His first example of a network was a string with a cup at either end.
Over a year ago when this discussion started, I saw Andy's comment above about Doug Waud's home networking talk. I remember the talk fondly, with the slides containing many humorous pictures of tin cans and string. The WLUG website had a link to Doug's slide deck, but it was a broken link to http://www.townisp.com/~dougwaud/homenet.htm. I spent hours looking for a backup of the slides on my systems and on the Wayback Machine (archive.org). I even contacted TownISP's support to see if they had a backup of users' old websites, to no avail. So I gave up and never mentioned it at the time. Well guess what...fast forward to today...I was looking for something unrelated and stumbled upon a backup of my long gone Sun Ultra 10 system that ran Aurora Linux (a rebuild of Red Hat/Fedora), and in there I found a copy of the slide deck! So I updated the WLUG website's Archive section [1] with the slides: Home Networking (March 2001) Presented by Doug Waud. Written by Doug Waud, Chuck Anderson, and Stephen Daukas. You may view the online presentation [2] at your leisure, or you may download the HTML [3] or the download the original StarOffice slide deck [4]. [1] http://www.wlug.org/archives.html [2] http://www.wlug.org/files/homenet/html/networking.html [3] http://www.wlug.org/files/homenet/homenet.tgz [4] http://www.wlug.org/files/homenet/networking.sdd Enjoy!