Thanx everyone for the advice on Linux for the PPC. I ended up going with Debian, and, guided by the advice of the installation docs that come with their dist. for PPC, I had a very successful (lacking sound, but i was told to expect that, besides it's a server) installation on the G4 Mac. Now, the only other tweak I have a burning desire to make to this box is to configure the kernel to use SMP for the dual 500Mhz processors. From what I've heard, it should only be using the first one right now, and that I have to rebuild the kernel with SMP support. Sound right? I would appreciate any tips or help on getting there, such as: -> how -> where to check to -know- that it's using one or both -> any other useful kernel info anything would be great really. thanx! - Sands <x>< __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. http://mailplus.yahoo.com