On Tuesday 30 August 2005 01:57 pm, Tim Trachimowicz wrote:
I've got a couple of flavors on Linux running on my machine and I'm looking to add another HD to the system to get another couple of distros running. If you're like me, you've probably got boxes of random computer parts sitting around your desk/office "waiting" to be put to good use... The one thing I >>don't<< have is a PCI card that'll add an extra IDE channel. Does anyone have an old one they'd part with? I'd gladly pay for it but donations are also accepted. :) I'm in Worcester/Framingham and can easily pick it up... Thanks!
actually i have a 66mhz card i was using in a raid, but i dont need it anymore since ive dismantled said raid, so you're welcome to it i forget exactly what it is, but linux-2.4 and linux-2.6 have drivers for it and they seemed pretty solid -mike