0. Thanks for the birthday wishes! My wife has pointed out that I've been involved in WLUG for more than half my adult life at this point!
1. As for the dinner location, I have no idea, it's a surprise!
2. I'm totally down for having an in person meeting, we'd just have to find a venue. The Hudson library worked really well, I'd be cool for that, of other places are more central to others, we can figure something out. Please propose locations and we'll figure out what works. I'm also not opposed to having a rotating set of locations as long as it doesn't become too confusing.
3. TrueNas Scale does look cool. There's talk of putting gluster on to of ZFS for scale out storage, which slightly distresses me. I played with gluster back in the day and was rather unimpressed with it, maybe it's matured a bit) but last week poking at FreeBSD on a VM got me thinking about TrueNAS and it's partner project TrueNAS Scale (which is a debian based version of TrueNAS that supports containers, KVM, etc.
4. I was given a Raspberry Pi Zero as a gift. Apparently there's a tiny unix you can run on it!