On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 14:58:15 -0400 Brian Waite <linwoes@gmail.com> wrote:
As fate would have it, I just got my hands on an old Sparc. Thanks to your mail I found a distro. While perusing the FAQ though I think I found a pointer to your question. There is an up2date sever and directions at: http://current-aurora.anthonymendoza.com/ I hope it works for you. Here hoping I can even get a prompt :)
At http://www.auroralinux.org there is a page that walks one through the upgrade process, step-by-step. It even uses Yum. As it happens, WPI has their aurora path yum-ified, so I was able to use that... It's on angus.ind.wpi.edu .... <g> I finally had the time to sit through the whole ordeal, which took a little longer than I would have liked (mostly because important things came up, like interacting with my kids. :) ), but the process was pretty-well documented. Barring any serious problems, it's fairly simple, though time-consuming. If anyone has a SPARC system lying about, you may be interested in playing with this. It's worth a look. For the un-initiated, here's how the Aurora version numbers compare to Red Hat: Aurora version Red Hat version 1.0 7.3 1.91 Fedora Core 1 1.92 Fedora Core 2 I understand from the mailing list that Aurora 2.0 is in the works, which will be bassed on FC3. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- William Smith wsmith-at-chezsmith-dot-com Fall River, MA http://www.chezsmith.com "You have to take a speed-yawning course to get through some of this stuff" -- Dan Rather, on the 2004 Democratic National Convention * TAG! v3.1a *