It is with a heavy heart that I make the following announcement: After seven enjoyable and educational years, I am shutting down my last Linux computer. After taking out the parts that I need for my zippy new Athlon and donating most of the computer to my employer, I will have the following left over. I don't feel like dealing with Ebay, so I will gladly give them to the first respondents who contact me and are willing to pick them up. The items are: 1 Seagate Medalist Pro 1080, 1 Gb SCSI hard drive 1 Seagate Medalist Pro 2160, 2 Gb SCSI hard drive 1 Sony CDU76S, 4x SCSI CD-ROM Drive 1 50 pin internal SCSI hard drive cable. -- Brian K. Niece, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Assumption College 500 Salisbury St. Worcester, MA 01609-1296 508-767-7209