Hi, I just got broadband at home and am loving every minute of it. But I'm hitting one snag... I dusted off an old sonicwall we had lying around at my job and got permission to take it home, after hacking the firewall I got everything set up and ready to go, my wan was hooked up to the cable modem, my lan was hooked up to the hub, the dhcp server was set up, and I had NAT w/dhcp client as the default setting. So I reboot the firewall and it doesn't get an ip address! I erase any trace of the older, static, settings, and try again, noting. Has anyone else got this problem? I'm stuck with Charter communications, do they have some way to avoid giving addresses to firewalls; if so, hello DSL my wife is tied to windows and I'm not shelling out money for something that comes built into linux. Thanks, Wes