now if they just had some long sleeve t's. i would get the female hackers coalition but i don't think they would fit heheh ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Reed" <jmr71769@earthlink.net> To: <mwblug@linuxbusca.com>; <newbie@linux-mandrake.com>; <wlug@mail.wlug.org> Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 11:33 AM Subject: [mwblug] [newbie] one last (maling list) hurrah for USA
i would personally like to thank the JINX hackwear company for sincerely expressing exactly how i feel on their front page...
check it out...
//-- Jeff Reed //-- Co-founder / Odd (Job) Guy //-- Metro West Boston Linux User Group //-- jreed@linuxbusca.com
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