On a similar note, how does one change the default mail client from Evolution to Kmail? I am using Firefox 1.0.1 as the default browser. The reason I want it to change over is because I have synced my palm to Kontact and want to use Kmail as the mail client, so I can share the contacts lis. Raja Mukherjee _________________________________________________________________
Today's Topics:
1. Opera - tie-ins to thunderbird (Andrew Robert)
Message: 1 Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 11:33:30 -0500 From: Andrew Robert <arobert@townisp.com> Subject: [Wlug] Opera - tie-ins to thunderbird To: Worcester Linux Users Group <wlug@mail.wlug.org> Message-ID: <423C545A.9080000@townisp.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hi Everyone,
Last question for awhile.
I swear.
Anyway, has anyone had luck configuring Opera to use an alternate mail client than the native M2?
I am trying to get it to call Thunderbird but I've had mixed results.
I reviewed the Opera Support Knowledge base article located at the link below but nothing I do seems to work.
-- Thank you, Andrew Robert Systems Architect Information Technologies Massachusetts Financial Services Phone: (617) 954-5882 Pager: (781) 945-1742 E-mail: arobert@mfs.com