Hi all, I visited my parents yesterday and yet again my mother's computer is filled with spyware. Everytime I go there it is slower and slower and odd things keep happening (like icons disappearing ... I've witnessed this myself). I've been considering trying to get her onto Kubuntu, but I have a few valid concerns. I'm curious if anyone has any experience with the following under Linux (any flavor): * Citrix connectivity -- She currently, and very seldom, uses an ActiveX control in IE to connect to her work. Are there alternatives besides using IE and Wine or running a VM? * iPod which is currently registered with her Windows box. I'm not too familiar with this, because my mp3 is not an iPod. * Printing - She currently has a very nice Canon i960 which can print photos. I less concerned about drivers and more about functionality. Her current Windows based software can print wallets, 8x10s, etc very easily. I wouldn't want her to lose that ability. I know some of these answers might be a Google away, but I'm curious on your experiences with this and possibility any other gothcya's that I am not thinking about. If I could overcome these hurdles I think she would actually have a much pleasant experience with her home pc. I've slowly been getting her to adopt open source software, but this would be a big jump. I also think it would be much easier for me help remotely too. Cheers, Mike