One more question; We have an Asus RT-N16 wireless router (that's connected to the Verizon modem) that I DD-WRT'd a couple of years ago, and I like it. If I go with Charter, can I continue to use this or do I have to get something else?
I have a DD-WRT'd router on a charter line and it works great. In the past we had line issues on hot days, and it took several service calls to resolve, but it's been stable going on 3 yrs now. It's a Netgear WNR3500U - got it for $30 on ebay - not bad for a gigabit N router and now SNMP for stats and scheduled outages for my kid's devices. Its wireless reception/output is so-so, though, but we live in a small house. We still have our original Surfboard - it could be 8 years old. Download: ~15Mbps; Upload ~2Mbps Mike