Yeah, I think my favorite out there one so far is this one that requires side view mirrors to learn to use it properly: https://www.allthingsergo.com/safetype-keyboard/ I've also avoided most of the kit ones, simply because I just don't have the time these days to do that much soldering. The Ergodox does seem like it fits the bill, even if it's on the pricier side, so I may just go with that one if nothing better appears. thanks! On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 7:53 PM Krichevsky, Nicholas <njkrichevsky@wpi.edu> wrote:
Don't go too deep into the world of ergo keyboards... People take it very seriously.
My immediate recommendations are either a Moonlander or Ergodox. I haven't used either personally, but I've heard good things about them.
Get Outlook for Android <https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg> ------------------------------ *From:* Frank Sweetser via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> *Sent:* Friday, June 16, 2023 7:51:30 PM *To:* Worcester Linux Users' Group General Discussion <wlug@lists.wlug.org
*Cc:* Frank Sweetser <frank.sweetser@gmail.com> *Subject:* [EXT] [WLUG] Keyboard recommendations
My primary mechanical keyboard that I've been using for a while is starting to go a little flakey on me, even after a few rounds of cleaning, so I'm looking to finally replace it. I'm looking for something:
- With fully mechanical keys (replaceable switches would be a nice bonus) - Ergonomic layout, which these days seems to primarily mean a split design - Illuminated keycaps would be preferred
Anyone have good recommendations they can share? -- - Frank
-- - Frank