==> On Sun, 03 Dec 2006 22:03:47 -0500, ken jones <kjones@ziplink.net> said: ken> I have a SoundBlaster Live sound card. The driver is emu10k1. ALSA ken> provides some modules that need to be built into the kernel. No matter ken> what I do the builds can not find the appropriate version.h file. ken> I am trying to build the kernel from ken> kernel-devel-2.6.18-1.2849.fc6. Previous Core versions provided ken> a kernel-source rpm. Core 6 does not. This time it is called ken> kernel-devel. Something is very different. Can any of you point ken> me to a cook book level WEB page that will point my way... kernel-devel only includes the files necessary to build out-of-tree kenrel modules. If you want to rebuild the kernel, get the kernel .src.rpm. -Jeff