I managed to get my online connection working again. Just had to change "ippp0" to "ppp0" in my firewall config file. I was also able to make a lilo boot floppy from command line, and it worked, exept for my initial menu. I rebooted back and forth a few times between the two floppies, and they both seemed to be working, and then when I went into x-session, I had no mouse. WTF??? Why did I lose kernel support for other stuff when all I messed with was "sound"? Then I made the mistake of going into XF86Setup. Now, I can't get into x at all. Questions 1. Can anyone tell me where the problem is? (other than "user") 2. Is there someplace in make xconfig or make menuconfig to provide support for xfree? At one point, I got an error message about not being able to load a module when trying to get into x. 3. Would it make sense to go back to the distribution disks, remove and re-insall xfree? Thanks. Greg