Guys, My Javascript + dhtml has always been one great hack. And, unlike the other scripting languages I use (all open source) there just doesn't seem to be a great "javascript community" on the web. Just lots of free samples (yes, i've googled, maybe not enough). Here's my problem. I've got a table and I want one column to be used to display the different links in each area. If I mouse over "about us" I want the other table to display the links for that area. when I do this outside a table, I just create a bunch of <div>'s that are hidden, and just Javascript to make them visible and raise their z-index at the proper time (yes, terrible hack, my javascript sucks). In the table, I'm not sure how to "stack" the different <div>'s. I though relative positioning would do the trick, because the parent for all of the <div>'s should be the <td> tag, but instead the <div>'s relatively position to one another. So, I'm kinda stuck. Any help you can give would be great, web sites with tutorials are great too. Pre-made scripts are ok, but I'm actually trying to learn something here. Thanks, Wes