From: Michelle Vadeboncoeur <>
On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Keith Wright wrote:
KW> Though I have been running Linux almost exclusively for more KW> than six years, but I have never heard of 'noseguy'
I remember having noseguy as a screensaver option
No wonder I've never heard of it. The original screensaver just blanked the screen when the terminal was not in use, to prvent the login: prompt from getting burnt into the phosphors. Good idea, but it was hard to tell if the power was on, so somebody had the idea of displaying a small randomly bouncing spot. You could see it was on, but it was still mostly black and no place got burnt by a static image. After that, it has been straight downhill. I've never purposely installed a screen saver, though I suspect that the amount of disk space wasted by the ones that get installed by default exceeds the total amount of space on all disks I used at my first three jobs. There's a classic Dilbert cartoon: PHB: We need a program to track the inventory, print bills and invoices, schedule manufacturing, and ensure that our customers can track the progress of their orders. Dilbert: That sound pretty difficult, what if I write a program that shows pictures of fish swimming around the computer screen? PHB: OK, do that. People like that, too. -- Keith