WLUG folk, You guys crunch heavy issues, and I have a cream puff of an issue I just can't crack, and I am not too ashamed to admit it. There is a site with a series of m4v (Quicktime) files I want to be able to at least stream, if not download, but I have two problems. The first is that the site www.worcestercatholictv.com has set the permissions on the files so that they will only play embedded in their webpage, AND they have the files as invisible unless the embedded web page searches for them, and as a result, standalone items like VLC can't touch it, and I can't download it. The second is that the issue seems to be related to my running Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS, and a buddy is having no issues reportedly in 13.X It makes no difference if it is Chromium of Firefox that tries to playback. Default User Agent Switcher has been installed to see if that was generating a conflict, but that doesn't seem to be it either. Totem 3.0.1 Gecko-mediaplayer 1.0.4 I have searched for similar issues and don't seem to come up with anything. I have scanned help files and that doesn't seem to address this either. At this point, if I had a guess, it is the result of funny permissions on a file that no one is worried about being Linux compatible. Thoughts are most welcome, Colin