You could always switch to Gentoo. Building from stage1 you have to specify the CHOST as well as make options for your processor (march=, mcp=, etc...). -Jared On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 22:17:48 -0800 (PST), J Schonber <schonm@yahoo.com> wrote:
I moved to Linux Mandrake long ago becuase they made an effort at i586. I have no idea why Redhat/Fedora continues with i386 but I don't want to start a flame war here.
If you need a compiler (i.e. you currently have none) get an RPM for fedora. You can get one from rpmfind.net. It's possible that you can find a i686 RPM (although is suspect all you will find is i386).
if you don't find i686, then just take the i386 one and boot strap a new compiler. A source tar ball for gcc can be gotten from a number of mirrors. Homepage here : http://gcc.gnu.org/ Mirrors listed here : http://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html
It's not difficult to bootstrap a compiler. If you need assistance doing this, let me know.
Good luck.
--- Chuck Haines <chaines@gmail.com> wrote:
Does anyone know if I can get binaries so I can compile for i686 on fedora and / or rhel4. I'm trying to set up distcc, but I need i686 in order for it to work. The machines are more than compatible and I don't know what redhat hasn't finally switched over. I'm not sure I know of a single i386 machine still in use.
-- Chuck Haines chaines@gmail.com http://www.maxslack.com
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