March 14, 2002
2:52 a.m.
On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 09:39:29PM -0500, Tim Trachimowicz wrote: track> I've never had a problem using LILO to dual boot Win98 and RH 6.2 (then track> 7.2), but I'm a little intimidated by Win2k and it's boot loader. Sure, there is no problem with using LILO and the Win2K bootloader at the same time. You can just delete the FAT32 partition on drive 2, install Linux, and install the LILO bootloader on drive 1's MBR. LILO is smart enough to be able to boot kernels from the second drive, and it will also be able to boot up the Win2K bootloader which will bring up its menu as usual. -- Charles R. Anderson <cra@wpi.edu> / http://angus.ind.wpi.edu/~cra/ PGP Key ID: 49BB5886 Fingerprint: EBA3 A106 7C93 FA07 8E15 3AC2 C367 A0F9 49BB 5886