Kylix is their port of their development tools to linux! The initial version of kylix is just Borland Delphi, but the plan on releasing a C++ builder version eventually. For those of you who don't know what Delphi is, is a full RAD (like VB) but with a language that actually makes sense behind it (unlike VB). It's fully OO, and has tons and tons of developers behind it. http://www.borland.com/kylix The best part is, in the middle of this year they will be releasing a version for free (as in beer) for people to develop free (as in speach) applications with. (You still need to pay the $1000 to develop commercial apps) If you ask me, this is a good thing for linux. Currently we have no good development environments. Sure we have good compilers, and good debuggers, and good editors... but an entire environment is what lets developers focus on writing software and not fighting with the tools. In delphi I can write a full GUI app that does something nifty in Delphi in an afternoon. Using emacs, QT, and gcc... it takes me a couple days. Also, there are literally thousands of programs written in Delphi, supposedly Delphi & kylix will be source code compatible (except the API of some of the components) so porting should be very easy. -- -Marc And in the end, reality always tends to hit theory hard in the face when you least expect it. -Linus Torvalds On Tuesday 13 February 2001 11:41, you wrote:
From: "Al Reinhart" <reinhart@discom.com>
FYI: Free Borland Kylix Seminar
In appreciation of your support and enthusiasm for Kylix(TM) we are now pleased to offer our Kylix seminars completely free!
Is this pure Spam, or did some Wlug member express support and enthusiasm for this fool? I checked the web site, and it does mention Linux, but it wastes a a few thousand bytes on marketroid idiocy without ever saying what Kylix(TFM) is. There used to be a pretty good software company named Borland, is the job market so tight they had to hire chain-letter authors for salesmen?