Well, I've finally gotten kde 2.2 installed and I love the new libkdeprint. I'm a pastor by trade and have been stuck in windows because I need some pretty funky Greek and Hebrew fonts for my weekly research; fonts which I can only find in .ttf format and couldn't be printed at any rate (yes, I know there were fixes, I never got one to work for me). Now with kde 2.2 I can at last use these fonts in Linux, with one major glitche... 1) They only show up in my "usable fonts" combo box in koffice when anti-aliasing is turned on. This would not be a problem except for the fact that... a) My pitifully Celeron 366 take FOREVER to load kde programs with anti-aliasing turned on (ever waited 30 seconds for a shell to open up, it's not fun...) b) My laptop's display isn't supported by kde's anti-aliasing yet (Inspiron 3800). So my primary research tool can't be used. Any ideas/workarounds/hacks to overcome this glitch? Also, with anti-aliasing turned on, my desktop machine won't allow me to submit forms (like e-mail), in konqueror. Any ideas? (I'm going to submit a bug report). Wes