Nokia N900 is my choice and still is, but only for a little bit longer. On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:18 PM, <kstratton@fastmail.us> wrote:
Anyone have a suggestion for a Linux tablet?
This is what I am looking for:
1) Ability to schedule and store and hot sync information to both linux and windows computers. Syncs with Exchange (=gmail/outlook/etc), that way everything is consistent everywhere without having to plug any cords in. 2) Ability to run arbritary apps, this includes: Yep, apt-get install xyz a) PDF viewer Yep, comes with it. b) gcc or some other compiler I have it in my debian chroot, python is built in. 3) Ability to add external periphials such as a keyboard or mouse. Portability is more inportant than this feature. I would expect the keyboard/mouse would need external batteries. No usb, but it is a "computer" when it comes to bluetooth, so you can use it with every bluetooth device. 4) Rechargable battery Yep. 5) A good technically oriented user base maemo.org is an amazingly technical user base. 6) Ability to reprogram the thing if I brick it. Comes with directions on how to flash any firmware from scratch. You don't have to use Maemo, you can theoretically use many other distros, but Mer is the only one that I know of right now.
The question is when do you consider it a tablet, and when do you consider it a phone? The N900 has an 800x480 screen that's like 3.5". If you want something with a little more square footage, I'd wait until some of the big color but transflective Pixel Qi or Mirasol displays start coming out, like the Notion Ink Adam; they are going to be amazing. Most will probably run ARM, so don't expect anything to run without source code available. -Randall