doug> fun, reminding me of a MontyPython sketch (even has its own wikipedia page)

===========================(my shorter copy/text from above:) snip ON
...first seen in Episode 17 of Monty Python's Flying Circus, 'The Buzz Aldrin Show'. The episode was recorded on 18 September 1970

The sketch proper begins (on videotape) with Tid in an office with two City gents (Michael Palin and Terry Jones). On a table near the window stand two architectural models of tower blocks. Mr. Tid informs the City gents that he has invited the architects responsible to explain the advantages of their respective designs.[2]

First to arrive is Mr. Wiggin (John Cleese), who describes his architectural design and modern construction, and then explains his killing technique starting with a conveyor belt and 'rotating knives'. It turns out that Mr. Wiggin mainly designs slaughterhouses and has misunderstood the owners' attitude to their tenants.

doug> snip OFF. Thanks for holding it in, and dodging. BTW, Dennis, THANKS, yep that does describe me(all?) at(most?) times..

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 9:35 AM Dennis Payne via WLUG <> wrote:
Bored? Feel the need to go to a room and dodge spinning blades? I have the solution:

Arrow keys move. Don't touch the blades.

What is this you ask? Disc Room is a new game coming out (closed source). I stumbled on the Disc Room Game Jam to promote the game.

A game jam is sort of a contest. You have a short period of time 24 hour up to generally a month to develop a game. They generally have a theme you need to incorporate and possibly other restrictions. They may or may not have a prize or even judging.

Disc Room Game Jam wants people to develop disc room like in their game. They released a simple disc room written in Game Maker, a closed source game development program. I decided to use the time to learn Godot, an open source game development program. I recreated their sample with only slight changes. The version on my web site doesn't have the update with sounds at the moment.

If you want to edit it:

You will need Godot 3.2. (Which is not in Fedora 32 so I've been using a beta of Fedora 33 in a virtual machine.) Would people be interested in a presentation on Godot?

Dennis Payne
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