On Monday 08 October 2001 10:51 am, skip gaede wrote:
I need help!
I've made some progress, actually. The biggest help was actuall a pointer to the following web page: http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/zip/zip-1.html In there, I learned that Windows wants to see the drive as a big floppy, with no partition table. To do that, there are multiple ways to hide the first track on the drive: there is a jumper on the back of the drive, and my bios actually allows one to select whether the first track is hidden or not. I have compiled the ide-scsi and ide-floppy drivers as modules, and depending on what I put on the command line as boot options (hdc=scsi or hdc=ide-floppy), the drive will be handled accordingly. As a floppy, the drive is dealt with as hdc or sdc depending on which way it's setup. I'm able to read a zip disk created under windows. It's a big floppy, and has the umsdos filesystem. I still haven't gotten the disk formatted with ext2. I suspect it has to do with the fact that mke2fs wants to see a partition table. I don't have the support compiled for formatting a umsdos filesystem. Iomegaware has a smal program "iw" that's supposed to allow you to make an ext2 fs on the disk, but that isn't working either. Progress, however, is being made! --Skip