Adam> The output of the previously suggested diagnostics would be Adam> helpful, though it does sounds like the ethernet card is cooked Adam> (but let's keep our fingers crossed). In the meantime, can you Adam> please refresh my memory ... Does the Ultra 1 use the older sbus Adam> for cards, or is a PCI based machine? I may have an sbus Adam> ethernet card laying around. The U1 is an Sbus based system, runs at either 140 or 170Mhz. In this case, I'd do the following to help diagnose things: 1. Halt to the ok prompt. 2. set the diag level up: ok setenv diag-level max ok setenv diag-switch? true ok 3. Then reset the system or try testing it with ok reset or ok test-all and see what it says. You can also test the network with ok setenv tpe-link-test? true ok test net or you might need to do a full reset to get the link to test. This will help narrow down the problem. I *tihnk* I might have an sbus ethernet card somewhere, but it's hard to say. If anything, it might be time to just upgrade to something newer and more supportable. The SunBlade 100s are pretty darn cheap these days, as are the old Netras and other old Sparc hardware. Good luck! John