Hi everyone,

The annual WLUG BBQ is tomorrow!
Time & location & contact info has already been posted on the list.

We have salad, cheese & crackers, plus a few extra goodies, & the condiments. Dogs, burgers & buns are allegedly arriving. So we expect the event to be enjoyable.

A few news items & reminders:

1. We have been fairly bug-free this year, which still seems to be the case. But it is raining now, so, we'll know when we now.

2. Our Driveway is for deliveries (tables/chairs, coolers, etc., but not for Event Parking. There should be adequate parking on Hudson St. If you have a special Parking need, please let me know: iris.gates@gmail.com

3. We do not have an icemaker.
Whoever is bringing the non-BYOB drinks (the soda), please bring cooler plus ice.
If you BYOB, please provide your own cooling technique (cooler & ice)

4. My apt. is on the 3rd floor, so note that the Facilities are a few steps up.

5. Someone has promised to bring a table. That would be greatly useful. Perhaps a second table, even a small card table, would be helpful.

6. BYO lawn chair.

7. Wireless will be on & accessible, but I have not tested it in backyard.

8. If it rains or hails or otherwise becomes inclement, we can adjourn to my apt. Tall people may need a hardhat, but we can cram in.

9. Arts Worcester event is going on in Elm Park lately; there are a few things to see, should anyone wish to take a short walk. Elm Park is only a few steps away.

10. Sign on light pole out front will say WLUG. A Penguin is allegedly arriving, but no clue where he will be located.

## Who is bringing plates, cups, forks & spoons? Could you please check in here before Noon Wed. (my final shopping trip)? TY.

See you tomorrow!

Liz J