Hi Let me jump in here a moment. I have been up to the site (as a sort of advance scout) and have some information you might like.
I'm fighting a cold right now,
OK that means no kissing! :-)
but I should be over it by the weekend and hopefully will be able to help out here.
Do you have the hardware in your posession right now?
The box is up in Lancaster. It is a Unisys EVC-142. There are no manuals available --- it was a second hand purchase. I can find nothing about it on the web. :-( It has a 540 meg hard drive, the 8 meg you know about, and we jury-rigged a CDrom drive on it (by jury-rigged I mean there was only one IDE cable and it would not reach both the hard drive and the CDrom if both were in the available bays so we simply left the case open with the CD drive lying on a book on top.)
What kind of modem are they going to be using? Please say something external... it probably won't fly if they have a win-modem for that machine.
Bad news and good news here :-). The modem is internal. However it is Listed as OK on the Linux Modem Compatibility list. It is a US Robotics Model 0584 56K ISA. Incidentally, the NIC cards they have are all 3COM model 3C509B and there is a 3c509 module which seems to work ok with them. doug