Sept. 29, 2005
5:22 p.m.
Mike> I'm about to jetison 10 old Pc's that have PS's. none of them Mike> are great machines, and some of them have issues, but you are Mike> welcome to any parts i have. Thanks, that would be great. Mike> Non are eMachines, however. Are they very particular as to the Mike> PS requirements? Mostly in terms of the size of the PS itself. Otherwise it's just the standard 4pin disk drive connectors (three minimum), one floppy drive connector and one motherboard connector. I can see about finding the dimensions, it's at home and I'm at work now. Here are the dimensions I need to fit in: 4.9 W x 2.5 H x 3.9 D - Inches http://www.affordablesurplus.com/ilssan_isp120_power_supply.asp#SPECIFICATIO... Has full details. Thanks! John