JeffA Maillists <jeffa.maillists@gmail.com> writes:
I don't get to the meetings that often, but any of those subjects would be great IMHO.
Great subject indeed. You should get to meetings more often.
While not specifically Linux related, maybe one on 3D printing would be cool?
Like the one listed on http://www.wlug.org/ ? May 8, 2014 - Kevin Harrington - Tour of Technocopia hackerspace & talk on OpenSCAD More fully described in email:
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 18:43:00 -0400 From: Chuck Anderson <cra@WPI.EDU> To: Worcester Linux Users Group <wlug@mail.wlug.org>
Kevin Harrington has volunteered to give WLUG a tour of Technocopia, a new maker/hacker space just a few blocks from campus.
So here's the plan:
WLUG Meeting Thursday, May 8 2014.
7:00 PM meet at WPI Campus Center, Chairman's Room.
7:15 PM or so, head down to Technocopia, 95 Prescott Street, Worcester, MA 01605
More information about the hackerspace is available here:
This was indeed one of the more interesting meetings we have had. I enjoyed the field trip through the strange part of town, to the nest of self-reprocucing robots.
Speaking of the Raspberry Pi, maybe a night about the Pi, the various models (A, B, B+ and the new A+) and some projects that use them would be of interest.
Like <ditto>? February 13, 2013 - Chuck Anderson - More Raspberry Pi Of course, it is not true that a subject can be covered once and forgotten. Do it again, in greater depth, from a different perspective, with latest news updates, in French with a Jazz harmony---OK maybe not that last. -- Keith