I have system I just put together with a PCI-Express Geforce 8800 GTS running ubuntu 7.04. During installation of Ubuntu everything showed up fine on screen. After installation, I ran into the problem that right after grub starts loading linux, the screen goes blank (monitor light turns from green to amber) and stays that way right up until X loads, at which point I get video. This hasn't been a problem so far, but I just installed some updates and it seems like now X isn't loading or I'm getting some sort of message before X loads, because it turns on and just stays blank the whole time. It seems like it would be easy if I just put a different video card into the system, but I don't even have another PCI express video card. I also don't have any PCI video cards anymore. All I have are AGP cards and the system doesn't have an AGP slot. So, it looks like taking the hard drive out and moving it to another system is the only option. Any thoughts on why the screen is doing that would be appreciated. The monitor doesn't seem to be getting no signal, because normally it brings up a message saying no signal rather than just blanking. It seems more like it's gone into a power saving mode. I've tried it with other monitors and had the same results. -- Kieran O'Callaghan