==> Regarding [Wlug] key mapping on Fedora 3; Bill Mills-Curran <bill@mills-curran.net> adds: bill> I'm a little surprised at the differences in default key mappings in bill> F3 as compared to RH9. Maybe it's just me, but my old key mappings bill> are "implanted" and so automatic that's it's unpleasant to adjust. bill> One thing I miss is the ability to make the default edits act like bill> emacs. In particular, RH9 had an option on the keyboard shortcuts to bill> select either "gnome defaults" or "emacs". When I selected "emacs", bill> that affected mozilla/firefox, so that traditional shortcuts (like bill> <ctrl>u deleting all text on the URL box or a text entry box) worked bill> like the "old days". bill> Is there another way to do this, or do I need to learn new shortcuts? Go to Application -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor Then desktop -> gnome -> interface and type in "Emacs" in the "gtk_key_theme" field. Alternatively: put this: gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs" in your .gtkrc-2.0 file. -Jeff