That is pretty easy to find your self. run regedit. Search for key value of "My Documents" And you will find the value that is by default set to c:/user data/My Documents or something like that. I don't have a Micro$haft machine near me right now, or i would search for the value and tell you. ;-) I just did a quick google search and found some examples: http://www.linbox.com/ucome.rvt/any/doc_distrib/samba-2.0.9/pdc/profiles.htm... http://www.sfu.ca/ad/logon_scripts.html http://www.rethinkit.com/ntscript/LogonScript.htm http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Platforms/Q_21503803... Matt Higgins wrote:
I have a logon drive of H: where there home dir is shared and mounted at login. This may be a stretch, but do you know the reg keys? or a place I can look for the keys? to make this off line and point the My Documents folder to it? I can do this by hand (right click My Documents -> set target.) but it would be nice to have a logon scripts that makes these changes for me for all systems.
On 11/27/05, Karl Hiramoto <karl@hiramoto.org> wrote:
Matt Higgins wrote:
Is it possible to disable roaming profiles and then redirect the My Documents folder to a share and make it available off line? This is common behavior for a win2k3 server.
This I have done. Give each user a home dir that mounts at login for example H: drive. Put the MyDocuments in H: And you can make all of H: Available offline for a laptop that is not always connected.
-- Karl Hiramoto <karl@hiramoto.org> Yahoo_IM = karl_hiramoto jabber.org=karl_hiramoto
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-- --- Karl Hiramoto <karl@hiramoto.org> http://karl.hiramoto.org/ Yahoo_IM = karl_hiramoto GTalk=karl.hiramoto@gmail.com ------ - If you live long enough, you'll see that every victory turns into a defeat. -- Simone de Beauvoir