-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ==> Regarding [Wlug] Lp0 issues; gwlt@ma.ultranet.com adds: gwlt> I have been making myself at home in KDE 1.1.2 under Linux gwlt> 2.2.15-4mdk and have managed to slowly get most functionality off of gwlt> the old Windows half of the dual boot drive. There is one major gwlt> impediment to moving over entirely: gwlt> I cannot print. I have an Epson Stylus Color 660, and can not make gwlt> it work, reconfigure and test as I try. If I am not mistaken the gwlt> system is using a ghostwriter filter that generically addresses Epson gwlt> Stylus Color printers (I have tried all sorts of earlier drivers and gwlt> generic options within this.) gwlt> When you go to the setup and configuration there is no auto detect of gwlt> the printer and type, You must manually chose it, and when you try gwlt> any form of a test print you get> gwlt> "Waiting for lp0 to become ready (offline?)" If you try to test gwlt> print from RHLinux Print System Manager ASCII directly you get: gwlt> "Couldn't write file "dev/lp0": no such device" When I try to print gwlt> from an app. I get: "lpr: lp: lp: unknown printer" Hmm, perhaps you didn't compile parallel printer support into your kernel? It's listed in make [,menu,x]config under: Character Devices->Parallel printer support Also, you'll probably want to check off Parallel Port support under General Setup. Hope this helps. - -Jeff -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard <http://www.gnupg.org/> iEYEARECAAYFAjrwI38ACgkQH/inyh944bQ0iACeJpSgItxSXuqAyNpBNMqDxLXH s04An1yXs/oQ/S6ChOJGGx8pn+NhbGbg =SrTe -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----