On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 03:54:30PM -0400, Patrick Sawyer wrote:
These machines will be given to people with little computer experience / money. All they need for an Internet service is a very simple dial up. Has anyone tried Net zero for Lindows(linspire) and got it running under Linux? If not can someone recommend a good ISP. The cheaper the better.
I'm using Stowe Telecom (http://www.stowetel.com/) for $5/mo. Rock solid, no busy signals, no hangups, lots of POPs, unlimited access. They only offer tech support via email (to keep support costs down), and in my experience, ISP tech support has never been worth the cost, anyway. They do pretty well, as I had a support issue with them when I started up, and they solved it via email within a week. Ever since then, there's been no problems. -Chuck