For those of you who are kind enough to care....sigh. On my Ultra1 I succeeded in following the directions in <http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-sparc.xml> to the letter, or so I thought. I "emerge'd" successfully. I compiled successfully. I chroot'd successfully. I removed the CD from its drive. I boot'd and I got the following. yadda yadda yadda.... VFs: Mounted root(ext3 filesystem) readonly Mounted devfs on /dev FATAL: kernel too old Unimplemented SPARC system call 188 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init! Press Li-A to return to the boot prom I compiled kernel-2.4.34. I chose 2.4 over 2.6 because the handbook hinted I should.. Now I do not even know what questions to ask myself. I checked Google on the "kernel too old" message and the "Attempted to kill" message. I could not understand the few matches that it found. My bet is that I need bigger SCSI hard drives. I'll also be glad to shut up if this is getting boring. Ken