Michael C Voorhis <mvoorhis@cs.wpi.edu> writes:
Here's an interesting discussion topic:
../hackers-shake-confidence-in-1980s-free-software-idealism.html ../heartbleed----another-horrible--horrible--open-source-fail.html ../heartbleed-is-the-open-source-development-model-broken/
Where there's smoke, there's a smoke making machine. Maybe a more interesting topic would be: Why were WPI IT employees who usualy hang out in the basement all over campus at 6am trying to undo the emergency security patches that MS had installed overnight? Now excuse me, I have to go put Windows 9 on my Xbox. -- Keith PS: Are there bugs in open-source software? Yes, a few. Are there bugs in secret-source software? Yes, many. Did I learn from Rumsfeld to ask myself easy questions before you can ask a hard one? Yes, exactly.