To boot to single user mode type "boot -s" at the ok prompt: ok> boot -s Regards, Ross -----Original Message----- From: wlug-bounces@mail.wlug.org [mailto:wlug-bounces@mail.wlug.org] On Behalf Of Theo Van Dinter Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 10:21 PM To: Worcester Linux Users Group Subject: Re: [Wlug] Message for Chuck On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 07:04:29PM -0700, Mike Leo wrote:
This is my first venture into Sun, but this is running Aurora right now anyway.
Oh. In that case, you can probably boot into single user mode, or my favorite of passing "init=/bin/sh" to the kernel, and edit shadow. ;) The live CD or whatever is good too.
What is sync, sync, mean?
"sync" is a command that suggests to the OS that it ought to flush its disk buffers out to the actual disk. A habit I picked up a while ago was to do two or three of them in a row before doing something to the system, such as rebooting, doing the ol' Stop-A/disconnect disk/go trick on the Sparc, etc. It's not normally needed, but just something I do for good measure in certain cirumstances. ;) -- Randomly Generated Tagline: Zapp: The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongey and bruised.