this depends on the distribution you're using ;) i'm assuming you're currently using RedHat which means you're gonna have to do some work to track down which files it installed. you *might* be lucky and the makefile that came with the .tar will have an 'uninstall' target ... run this cmd in the directory where you extracted the sources: `make uninstall` if it complains about no target (in other words nothing seems to happen), then look to see if the source has a configure script. if it does, run it with the preix option set to a directory that is currently empty ... `./configure --prefix=/tmp/my_stupid_install` and then run make like that ... hopefully make will respect the prefix completely and install under that directory, at which point you can analyze the resulting directory tree to see where the last install put files. -mike On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Aramico wrote:
How can i make a completelly uninstall for an application that has been installed by using .tar sources ?