Folks, I have an account on AT&T Broadband, and for some reason, my outbound email seems to be broken. I can send email from KDEMail to myself and I get the mail back promptly, but any email sent to a mailing list seems to go into a black hole. I'm sending this from the web-based client at ATTBI.com, so I'm pretty sure this one's going to make it. Can anyone suggest anything I can do to make sure the mail makes it to the other end? Is getting a confirmation receipt the only choice? Thanks, Skip P.S. Additional info: I'm running Mandrake 8.1, with InteractiveBastille for setting up the firewall. I have a private LAN behind the firewall, so it's probably because I didn't answer one of the questions correctly while setting up the firewall. Do I need to enable inbound SMTP connections? I don't think so. (I have a registered IP name, but not a static IP address.)