Red Hat 7.1, based on the Linux 2.4 kernel, is out as of 10:00am this morning. I have a mirror of i386 disc1 and disc2 ISO's and the full FTP install tree if anyone wants it.
And the cool thing is, it doesn't matter that they shipped an incompatible, broken compiler, because since /usr/include/asm and /linux are includes for the kernel that glibc is built against and not the current kernel, you can't compile modules that are compatible with your current kernel anyways! On a serious note, I don't suppose anyone knows when we can expect to see 7.1 for Alpha out? Sadly, it's still the best bet of the distros out there for running on a Multia. Brian J. Conway dogbert@clue4all.net Geek for hire: http://clue4all.net/resume Men may control the free world, but women control the boobs. (http://www.pvponline.com/archive.php3?archive=20001024)