Gary J. Hanley said:
The host is at secure site. Can rsync use a secure socket like ssh? I guessed that it couldn't but I'll admit I didn't look into it.
-- Gary
rsync rocks. Until recently (when I got a cable modem) I'd rsync my debian archive to a box on a slightly better connection with this: /usr/bin/rsync -avPe /usr/bin/ssh --exclude "*tmp*" --exclude "Makefile" --exclude \ "*.m4" --exclude "stdlib.mc" --delete /home/orion/public_html/zork/ zork.net:~/public_html/ I also know someone who uses rsync to do a selective daily backup to another partition: rsync -axS --partial --stats --delete --delete-excluded --exclude-from=/etc/backup.exclude /etc /usr/local /var/spool/mail /var/lib/mailman /var/cache/backup/ and offsite: rsync -azxS -e ssh --stats --partial --delete /var/cache/backup/ two-bit.northpark.edu:/usr/local/var/backup/ -- Aaron Haviland orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org orion [at] parsed [dot] net So I can get 1 bpm by flashing a mirror?