Many installs of RHL 7.3 will add both ipchains and iptables. It could be that iptables is running instead of ipchains. I believe that both are actually compiled as modules so you might need to rmmod the one in order to use the other. (I've ususally had the reverse problem: I prefer iptables and usually have to unload ipchains in order to use it. In the init scripts both are 'by default' set to S08ipchains and S08iptables, so ipchains loads first. ) On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Charles R. Anderson wrote:
On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 10:32:08AM -0400, Richard Goodman wrote: dick> One unresolved issue - when I issue an IPChains command, the first time I dick> get "IPchains incompatible with this kernel" and thereafter "IPChains dick> protocol not available". The IPChains command is there, as for example dick> "ipchains -h" works. But I haven't got masquerading or firewalling yet dick> because of this.
I've seen this before. The /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipchains script manually modprobe's the ipchains module. If you aren't using that script, then you need to do it yourself:
/sbin/modprobe ipchains